The aim of the Humanity through Grace Home & Guesthouse is evangelization through hospitality.
The cornerstone of our hospitality is Jesus' therapeutic Presence, his Humanity through Grace. This meets the desperate need today of the many hapless victims of our broken society for the healing and developmenet of their Humanity through Grace. Our hospitality aims to be a bridge reconnecting people with this source and origin of the fullness of human health and wellbeing of body, mind, and spirit.
In collaboration with Health and Social Care Services we offer respite and long-term care, and apply a whole-person-centred approach which takes seriously the question; What about Spiritual Needs?
Sadly, to the detrimant of people in their Pursuit of Happiness impacting their health and wellbeing, the spiritual dimension of care of oneself and others is increasingly overlooked in a society marked by secularism, alienation, and control.